NIST retires SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm

NIST retires SHA-1 cryptographic algorithm


4 min read

It is important to note that SHA-1 is no longer considered to be a secure cryptographic hash function and should not be used for digital signatures or other applications where security is important. This is due to the discovery of collision attacks, which make it possible to create two different inputs that produce the same message digest. As a result, newer hash functions such as SHA-2 or SHA-3 are recommended for use in digital signature systems


SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographic hash function that was developed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and published in 1995. It was designed to be used as a secure one-way function for creating a digital fingerprint of a piece of data, such as a file or message.

SHA-1 operates by taking an input (called a message) and producing a fixed-size output, known as a message digest or hash. The output is a string of characters that is unique to the input, and it is typically represented as a hexadecimal number.

One of the key features of SHA-1 is that it is extremely difficult to produce the same message digest for two different inputs. This makes it useful for verifying the integrity of a piece of data, since any changes to the input will result in a different message digest.

Despite its widespread use and strong security properties, SHA-1 is no longer considered to be a secure algorithm. In 2005, researchers demonstrated that it is possible to create two different inputs that produce the same message digest, a process known as a collision. While the likelihood of such a collision occurring is low, it is not impossible, and as such, SHA-1 is no longer considered to be secure for most applications.

In response to the discovery of the collision attack, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) formally deprecated the use of SHA-1 in 2011, and it is no longer considered to be a suitable cryptographic hash function for use in new systems. Instead, it is recommended to use one of the newer SHA-2 or SHA-3 algorithms, which have not been shown to be vulnerable to collision attacks.

In conclusion, while SHA-1 was once a widely used and secure cryptographic hash function, it is no longer considered to be a suitable choice due to the discovery of collision attacks. It is important for professionals to use newer, more secure algorithms in order to ensure the security and integrity of their systems.

Let's understand Collision Attack :

In cryptography, a collision attack is a type of attack in which an attacker finds two different inputs that produce the same output when hashed using a particular cryptographic hash function. This is a problem because one of the key features of a cryptographic hash function is that it is supposed to produce a unique output for every input.

For example, consider a hash function that takes an input message and produces a message digest (a fixed-size output). If it is possible to find two different messages that produce the same message digest, this is known as a collision. This means that the hash function is not completely collision-resistant, and it is possible to create two different inputs that produce the same output.

Collision attacks can be used to create malicious inputs that are indistinguishable from legitimate ones, which can be used to bypass security measures or to impersonate someone else. For this reason, it is important for cryptographic hash functions to be collision-resistant in order to maintain the integrity and security of systems that rely on them.

There are several types of collision attacks, including brute-force attacks, which involve trying a large number of inputs until a collision is found, and chosen-prefix collision attacks, which involve creating two different inputs that have the same prefix but different suffixes.

While collision attacks are a concern for any cryptographic hash function, they become more significant as the output of the hash function becomes shorter. This is because the likelihood of finding a collision increases as the output size decreases. As a result, it is generally recommended to use cryptographic hash functions with larger output sizes in order to provide stronger collision resistance

Here is an example of how to implement the SHA-1 cryptographic hash function in Python:

import hashlib

def sha1(message):
  # Create a new SHA-1 hash object
  sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1()

  # Update the hash object with the message

  # Return the hexadecimal representation of the hash
  return sha1_hash.hexdigest()

# Test the function
print(sha1("Hello, world!")) # prints "f572d396fae9206628714fb2ce00f72e94f2258f"

In this example, we use the hashlib library to create a new SHA-1 hash object, which we then update with the message that we want to hash. Finally, we use the hexdigest() method to return the hexadecimal representation of the hash.

It is important to note that SHA-1 is no longer considered to be a secure cryptographic hash function and should not be used for new applications. Instead, it is recommended to use one of the newer SHA-2 or SHA-3 algorithms, which have not been shown to be vulnerable to collision attacks.
